Mish Mosh Scarf

I'm not a big color person. I live my life in dark blues, grays, browns and black, with the occasional splash of deep red. It' not that I don't understand color theory, it's more like I don't like a lot of color. I don't like to stand out, I don't want to catch anyone's eye, things are low key and muted, in shadows and camouflaged.

Knowing this, I realize the rest of the world likes eye popping schemes, and I am always painfully aware of that when I start a project that I might want to later offer for sale. So in an attempt to liven up the loom, I've been scouring Pinterest and other fiber blogs to gain a bit of inspiration. Born from this was the Mish Mosh scarf.

I  could not bring myself to sacrifice my hand spun for such a dubious adventure; scrounging around I found some acrylics that I had not deemed very useful,  a variegated skein, some eye lash yarn, neutral tans of varying weights, and a plain bright white to balance it all. Plain woven with a lilac weft on my Ashford Sampleit loom.

Using so many different yarns made the tension extremely fiddly (my new word). I had to readjust every few inches. I have to say, I am pleased with the results. And promptly gave away the scarf to a young teen who is far more adventurous with color than I am. But it was worth the trying, and now I am energized. Stay tuned, there is more to come from this endeavor...


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