Guinea Piggies!!!!!

A couple mos ago I thought it would be cute to add another fiber to my spinning experience. I really wish I could have some large fiber livestock, but alas, I do live in the city. I've got bunnies, dogs... guinea pigs were the solution.

Guinea pigs????

Yes. The long haired ones, like Perruvians, have a hair that seems a bit like Suri, and the curly ones like a rough longwool. I chose the curly breed Texels, because they are curly :)  In Nov. I traveled far, far away (an hour from the city) to a friend and fellow Angora breeder, for a trio.

I have to say, I had not intended to breed so soon. I wanted new pups to show for the spring, but the boar was all to happy to make his time table known, and despite being told guinea pigs don't jump, he jumped the divider. Put my count off a bit, but yesterday, 2 live pups were born.

I've never had rodents as pets;  I was a bit put off that they are rodents, but those cute faces just totally won me over. 


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