No Hurry with Suri

My first encounter with Suri was not a good one. The fiber was clearly seconds, but I knew that. However, it was full of second and third cuts, stiff and dry, basically unusable to me. I figured if this was what Suri was about, then I was not about Suri. A friend sent me some Suri and I put it away, thinking I knew what it would be about. Curiousity got the best of me. There was a local grower on FB, offering fleece for trade, and I wanted to try again, to see what everyone was raving about.
While I waited for the trade, I spun up the sample my friend sent me. I was SMH, if I had only tried the sample before, I would not have waited so long to get more Suri.The box came, and I opened it with anticipation, and I was not disappointed. Soft, silky, shiny, long stapled Suri locks greeted me, practically begging me to SPIN ME!. And so I did.
Now it was not completely without issues, no fiber experience is. I couldn't figure out how to process it, too smooth for combs, to soft for my drum carder, still to dense just to pick by hand. I came up with another approach--comb and then card by hand, into rolags.  Rolags are great for the drop spindle, I spun mine that way, and the trade fiber on the Louet.

And every since then, Suri is now on my fab five list.


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