WIP Wednesday Mug Rugs

A bad habit is developing, WIP Wednesday is turning into Thursday. Not intentionally, and not for lack of things to post. More like something always happens on that day, that keeps me away.

The past few weeks I've taken up sewing and quilting again. Ever cautious, I looked for a way to test out quilt designs without expending a too much effort or resources. I started by making coasters, an example is the little orange maple leaf. I have to say I found the scale just too small to work with, and quickly lost interest. Not too long after mug rugs appeared. At first I couldn't figure out what to do with that thing too big to be a coaster and too small to be a place mat. Quickly my mind changed, as they are the perfect size for me to experiment with quilt shapes and applique.

Did you know there are several boards on Pinterest dedicated to mug rugs? Now you do. If you are anything like me, clicking through all the cute pictures, you'll find that you'd rather drawn your own designs and appliques or cut them out on your Cricut. I knew that thing would come in handy when I bought it.

Along with the mini dresdens, I completed a set of cardinals, fall leaves, the trial run for the Christmas tree, cut a little bun for the queue.


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