Waiting for Spring

There is a very real chance that we might miss Spring totally here, and go straight into Summer. There was not a real winter, then second winter blew in, and there was 4 inches of snow last Saturday. Already I'm starting to get stressed out. I need my plants; I'm nearly dying to get out into the garden. In lieu of real flowers, I bought a flower loom, And now, I can enjoy them all year long.

Someone gifted me with a lot of Mohair yarn. Mohair and I do not get along. Dumbfounded as to what to do with it, thanks to the loom, it's found it's calling. The coolest thing is the yarn looks like nothing when it's on the loom. I was not impressed. Take it off, however, and you will be impressed. It's like when Frankenstein gets off the table, and it's alive--the flower blooms. Really. Ok, so let me just show you...


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